Monday, 12 December 2016


      Two Broad Contrasting categories of curriculum approaches

  • Technical-Scientific
  • Non-Technical/Non-scientific

                                            TECHNICAL-SCIENTIFIC APPROACHES

1. Behavioral-rational approach
-the oldest and still preferred by many educators
-defines the objective (why), content(what), method(how), sequence(when), and scope(how much) ( Taba & Tyler Models, 1969)

2. System-managerial approach
-considers the major interconnected of inputs, process and outputs that comprise the educational system
-viewed a the major system and the other processes related to it such as supervision (motivation, leadership styles, communication and decision-making).

3. Intellectual-academic approach
-identifies 3 fundamental factors : the learner, the society and the organized subject matter
-emphasize the importance of cognitive theories and principles in curriculum planning

4. Humanistic approach
-reflects an existentialist orientation
-the purpose of education is to emancipate society from traditional, outmoded orders through individual free choice

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